“As a pediatrician and mother of three, I know that staying organized is the key to staying sane. baby daze is a cleverly-designed, practical guide for tracking all of the little details that would otherwise spill out of a busy, new parent’s sleep-deprived brain. I highly recommend it.”

— Dr. Carolyn Hiltebeitel

“baby daze has been a lifesaver! our baby nurse thought it was one of the best things she’d ever seen. It helped keep some very critical information organized when the rest of our life was turned entirely upside down.”

— Sam’s Dad

“baby daze is in my top 5 things a new mother should have. I can’t wait to have my second child so I can get the new version of your book. I have the first edition of baby daze – It’s like my baby bible!!! It’s the best!!!!!!!!!! I don’t leave home without it!”

— Grace’s Mom

“My baby daze was a life line for me the first few weeks of parenthood. I could NEVER have remembered when I last fed the baby, which breast I left off on or how many times I’d changed her diaper (that’s always the first question the doctor asks!).”

— Abigail’s Mom

“The only person more impressed with baby daze than I, was the pediatrician. She really appreciated having correct, up to date info on all my baby’s poops, spits ups and their respective consistency and color! I just ordered another one for a relative about to have a baby!”

— Aneesa’s Mom

“I started out by using the gift tracker section. It has helped me tremendously in keeping up with all of the “thank yous” I’ve had to send out. I was able to discuss specifics with the pediatrician because of the easy reference your book provided. I have recommended your product to every first time mother I meet.”

— The Donnelly’s

“baby daze was incredibly useful especially to a first time mother. I was able to track feedings which enabled me to know when my daughter was last fed, how much she ate and when I could expect to feed her again. baby daze allows you to be an efficient and organized parent. Everyone should use baby daze!”

— Amelia’s Mom

“My husband’s memory was no better than mine in the first few weeks. I think if I didn’t have baby daze, I may have broken down and felt out of control.”

— Miranda’s Mom

“We were overwhelmed by the list of instructions the doctors gave us as we left the hospital. This book allowed us to keep track of the feeding habits, “BMs”, medicine and all of the other information we were instructed to track. Then I would take the book to the doctor visits and would have all of the information the doctor wanted at my finger tips. It as a sanity saver!”

— Christian’s Mom

“The book was also great for Isabela’s dad because he never had to ask me, “when did she last eat?” “How was the feeding?” “When did she last poop?”, etc. He could just glance at the book. I now give baby daze to everyone at their baby shower.”

— Isabela’s Mom